RBSC Membership and Annual Subscription
Who can join RBSC:
Anyone wishes to become a member of the Association; and
Supports the purposes of the Association; and
Agrees to comply with the Rules of the association.
Process of becoming a member:
Prospective members may express their interest and fill in the membership form.
The filled-in membership form needs to be submitted along with a joining fee and annual subscription fee.
The joining fee is AUD 10 accompanied by an annual subscription 50$ fee (Jan-Dec).
If a person joins mid-year will still pay a full annual subscription unless discounted by the club.
Membership fee discount applies for paying multi-year subscription:
10% discount for 2 years
15% discount for 3 years
30% discount for 5 years
For this year (2021-22) only, the joining fee has been fixed at 50$ instead of 60$ (10$+50$).
Membership time frame: RBSC membership time frame is 01st January to 31st December every year.
Membership must be renewed each year by paying the Annual Subscription fee.
RBSC EC committee approves/finalizes the membership and provides the member with a confirmation.
Benefits of becoming an RBSC member:
The members will:
Be eligible for a vote at AGM.
Be eligible to nominate for EC positions and other management positions.
Be able to help and contribute to the community through sports.
Get the opportunity to meet and greet other members in members-only programs.
Get a discount on the player’s registration fee (e.g. summer cricket, winter cricket, football, etc.).
Be able to participate in RBSC events for free/with members' discounted fee where applicable.
Be able to participate at RBSC’s AGM with voting rights.
Be entitled to a 20% discount at Sportsco Werribee, Werribee Plaza.
Be able to be entitled to other benefits as decided by the club from time to time and as opportunities arise.
1. The purpose of these Membership Rules is to:
1.1 Ensure an inclusive sporting environment for players of all ages and skill levels.
1.2 Provide a safe and respectful environment for our members.
1.3 Support the club's values of “Respect, Good sportsmanship, and Enjoyment”.
2. For the purpose of these Rules, a “Member” shall be defined as:
2.1 A player;
2.2 The parent/s or legal guardian/s of a player;
2.3 Any team official (coach or team manager) who is not otherwise a parent;
2.4 An elected member;
2.5 A Life Member
These rules apply to:
3. These rules apply to all members of the Club, as defined in Rule 2 above.
Registration and Fees:
4. All players are required to complete the Club’s registration process prior to the
commencement of each season.
5. All players are required to pay the prescribed Membership Fees each season, by the due date.
5.1 Membership Fees are due prior to the commencement of the new season, or as notified by the Club;
5.2 A player who fails to pay the required Membership Fees by the due date will be suspended from participating with a team (including training) until such payment is made;
5.3 A player who has outstanding Membership Fees will not be granted clearance to another club.
6. Teams are responsible for the payment of their weekly match fees and any forfeit fines.
The Club does not accept liability for penalties incurred due to forfeited games.
7. The match fee is divided equally between the players in the team and all players are required to pay their share of the match fee for the season (not just for games played) to the Team Manager as and when requested. Failure to pay match fee contributions may result in suspension from participation.
Member Conduct:
8. All members must uphold the Club’s values of “Respect, Good Sportsmanship, and Enjoyment”:
8.1 Do not abuse players, coaches, referees, or other parents from the sidelines;
8.2 Give positive support and encouragement;
8.3 Do not abuse or criticize children during or after a game;
8.4 Under no circumstances should adult members approach any child in a
threatening or aggressive manner regardless of any perceived offense committed by the child during the game.
9. All members and their guests are subject to the conditions of the respective sports body of victoria's Codes of Conduct for Players, Coaches, Parents & Spectators and the Member Rules By-Laws of the Royal Bengal Sports Club at all times.
9.1 Breaches of the Code of Conduct or the Club’s Rules by any player, coach, or parent/spectator may result in a report and Tribunal hearing, and/or disciplinary action was taken by the Club in accordance with the Club’s Constitution.
9.2 All members are responsible for ensuring the behavior and conduct of their guests do not breach the Club’s rules or the Codes of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in the member-facing disciplinary procedures in accordance with the Club’s Constitution.
10. Respect our volunteer coaches:
10.1 DO NOT coach children from the sidelines;
10.2 Attend all training sessions;
10.3 Advise the coach if unable to attend;
10.4 Do not sit on the players’ bench or otherwise interfere with the progress of the game.
11. Respect the referees. Abuse of referees sets a bad example for our children and may result in a report and Tribunal hearing.
12. Respect your teammates.
13. Respect the opposition players and parents. Do not engage in any altercation with any member of the opposition. Call for assistance from the Stadium Supervisor if there is any dispute.
14. Play by the rules.
15. All members will act with integrity and will not behave in any way that will bring the club into disrepute.
16. Respect our training venues and equipment. Wilful damage will result in disciplinary action.
17. Attend all training sessions. If you are unable to attend training gives your coach and/or team manager the courtesy of letting them know.
18. Parents who leave their children at training must return to the training venue prior to the end of the session to collect their child.
19. From time to time the Club will communicate with members via email and other electronic means. Members must provide the Club with a valid email address for communication and notify any change of email address within 7 days. This can easily be done via the Club’s website.
20. All communication between the Club and its members, between team representatives and members, and member-to-member, in whatever form, must be Club-related, appropriate and not offend, intimidate, humiliate or bully another person, or bring the Club into disrepute.
21. Concerns or complaints regarding team or player issues should, if possible, first be addressed to the coach and/or team manager.
22. If the matter cannot be resolved within the team or you do not feel comfortable raising the matter with a team representative, refer the matter to the relevant Age-group Coordinator or Vice President who will act in accordance with our Complaints Management Process (see by-laws).
Coach and Team Manager Rules:
23. As a team official of an RBSC team you are a representative of the Club and must act in accordance with our rules and our values.
24. The acceptance of a volunteer to the role of coach or team manager is always at the discretion of the Club.
25. In addition to the Membership Rules above, it is expected that you will:
25.1 Uphold the Club’s values of Respect, Good Sportsmanship, and Enjoyment at all times.
25.2 Act with integrity and do not behave in any way that will bring the Club or your own reputation into disrepute.
25.3 Respond promptly to inquiries or requests made by your Age-Group
25.4 Enforce the Club’s fee payment policy and do not allow any player who has outstanding fees to participate with the team.
25.5 Have a valid Working with Children card.
25.6 Accept new members placed in your team.
25.7 Keep in mind that your first priority is for your players to have fun.
25.8 Instil the values of teamwork and good sportsmanship in your players.
25.9 Do Not yell at your players or belittle them in any way. Remember they are children learning to play. Use positive reinforcement instead.
25.10 Remember that in any sports that RBSC organizes and if they are team sports, RBSC will give all players a fair and reasonable amount of practice time and encourage players to share the resources and play as a team.
25.11 Value each player equally.
25.12 Respect the referees/umpire or any form of match officials. Abuse of match officials sets a bad example for our children and may result in a report and Tribunal hearing.
25.13 Respect the opposition players and coaches.
25.14 Not attempt to “stack” your team with representative-level players to create a “Superteam”.
25.15 Not “poach” players from other clubs or from other RBSC teams.
25.16 Not attempt to introduce new members to your team without first consulting the relevant club officials.
25.17 Keep in mind the age and stage of the children you are coaching and adapt your communication and coaching style accordingly.
25.18 Vacate the training court promptly at the end of your session as other teams and organizations also use the courts. Do not overstay your allotted time.
25.19 Observe the Club's Charter for Coaches on Player Development.